Saturday, August 7, 2010

And Three Becomes Six...

We were lucky enough to find a breeder who insisted we get to know, work with and halter train our new boys before we brought them home.  This way the boys would be more attached to us and their transition to their new home would be much easier.

On June 2 of this year, while making one of our routine visits to the boys, we were introduced to three older boys.  Varnell, Wellington and Tyrone were six years old and had spent their lives as beloved family pets.  Unfortunately, forced to downsize their farm, these three wonderful boys were returned to the breeder in the hopes she would be able to find them a home. 

Our Adoptees
The concern was, that due to the fact that these three pets had been gelded, no breeder would have room for them on their farms.  However, as a new farm just starting out, they offered us companions for future additions to our farm.  Before we knew it, these three adoptees were being introduced to our three boys to make sure that everyone would get along and it was a done deal...Varnell's name was now Parnell and three were now six!!   There was nothing left to do but shear our adoptees and plan a homecoming!!

Our ambition has always been that JADA Farms would be a "family farm".  We have three wonderful kids who were chomping at the bit to get their three new buddies home...they had no idea that their buddies had multiplied.  Now to keep this a secret and still make sure that they were comfortable around the older boys.

The Girls with Tyrone and Wellington

With our breeder as a partner in crime, we had the kids convinced that although these three older boys were amazing, cute and loveable, they were only being boarded for another farm.  The kids were happy to help lend a hand and help out with these new friends.  Good thing homecoming was only a week away!


  1. I love your story and how your blog is coming along. It looks GREAT! Congratulations!

  2. Thanks Kaylen! Taking all the pictures and creating the blog is just as fun as the farming!
