Although the smallest of our boys, Vincent is also the most inquisitive.
This little character can often be found walking around with his head cocked off to one side and staring at someone or something as if he is trying to figure what it is all about. That being said, he is also the one who ends up finding the bush full of burrs before we do.
Vincent was a fall cria and, we have been told, has fleece just like his father. Living proof that quality can sometimes count for more than quantity....what he lacks in density, he more than makes up for with the fabulous quality of his beautiful fleece.
Great personality, luxurious fleece, beautiful colour....all qualities we hope to carry on in the future with our breeding program.
The self proclaimed "King of JADA Farms"
We are proud to have Windsor here with us and are thrilled with the quality of his fleece!
Another fall cria, he truly has it all. Our "King" has everything you could ask for...soft, fine, great staple length and tons of it! What we thought was glorious white fleece, we discovered, actually was a very light fawn. We have every intention of starting our breeding program with this young man.

The only thing better then one alpaca with absolutely fabulous two!
Just like his brother, Windsor, Usairus has it all all wrapped up in a beautiful brown package. Not to mention the biggest doe eyes you have ever seen!
Even at six years old, this handsome dark brown boy still supplied us with lots of dense, fabulous fleece.
Parnell is quite the character. Always the first to come running when you come through the gate, friendly and the only alpaca we have ever met who will lay down for a good belly rub!
Our sweet Tyrone is a gentle peaceful soul who is quite content to stand back from the crowd and observe all that goes on around him.
It is very easy to see why he was such a beloved family pet and companion.
This treasure is our Wellington. The kind hearted companion who has stolen our hearts with his wonderful fleece and his desire to shower everyone with kisses. Just like our other two adoptees, he will be spending the rest of his years on JADA Farms as a cherished family friend.